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  • Which Languages can I communicate with you?
    We speak English, German, Afrikaans and Hungarian. Should you wish to contact us in an other language...Google will do just fine
  • Can I have a larger print?
    If you wish to have a larger print than A3+ size, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Delivery for large size may take longer than our standard delivery.
  • Can I have a print on Canvas or other decortive media?
    It is possible to get unique requests produced. Please conact us with your specific request and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Where do you do your Tattoes?
    I work from a well estabilished Tattoo Studio in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Regarding any enquieries of tattoes, please contact me for a personal consultation.
  • Do you Tattoo any other motives and designs as well?
    I tattoo my own designs mainly, however I am open for requests.
  • Do you have bulk discount and wholesale pricing?
    We will work something out for you! Please contact us.
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